Kibworth History Society – End of an Era

From its origin as a small family history society in 1989 the Kibworth History Society grew into a thriving group which worked hard over nearly 30 years to promote, record and disseminate local history relating to Kibworth and Smeeton Westerby and history in general. 

Throughout its existence, members completed research projects, recorded memories of local residents and developed a website where all this valuable information could be made available to a very wide audience. Since its creation, the website has registered visits from locations literally all over the world. 

In recent years the Society, along with many similar groups, has found it difficult to recruit new members and this has finally affected the viability of the Society. With this in mind, Society members took the decision at their AGM in September to formally wind up the Society rather than risk it just withering away. It was a difficult and sad decision for the members to make. A closing event in the form of the Annual Christmas Supper and Quiz will take place next month.

Despite the decision to dissolve the Society the website will continue to be maintained thereby allowing the abundance of information, articles, and reports to remain available on the worldwide web. New material is welcome and may submitted to

It is with great sadness that we record the sudden death of Norman Harrison who was chairman of the Kibworth History Society for the last 10 years. 
A full appreciation of his work, not only for the History Society, but for the village of Kibworth in general will appear later.