Illston-on-the-Hill WI

At our November meeting members made their way into the main hall and were met with beautifully set out tables of cosmetics, as well as a most delicious smell. All of a sudden we felt very relaxed. 

Helen Haines of Tropic Skincare and Cosmetics came to talk to us about the Tropic range. Helen was very knowledgeable about all the products, from cleansing, to discovery kits, body care treats, aromatherapy editions and makeup essentials. Star of the show was the Christmas Advent Box, 24 doors to open, all containing something lovely. Where are the men when we need them! 

Helen’s talk was really interesting and we had lots of samples to test: there are loads of lotions available for the ‘older lady’ but none of us felt the need to go down that route! We had a really enjoyable and educational evening and can recommend Helen to other groups looking for a lovely speaker. 
We concluded our evening with the usual scrummy refreshments. Our next meeting is the AGM with supper and ‘Secret Santa’. 

May we thank everyone who supports our WI, including the various local magazines that always publish our reports. Thank you to all your readers for taking the time to join Illston WI, albeit only for a minute or two. Happy Christmas to you all.