Last Minute Theatre

Hello all. By the time you read this ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ will either be on the verge of, or in full swing production. Tickets (£6) are available at the Post Office, Kibworth Grammar School Hall or by email/text to or 07710 112346

It has been, for a diverse number of reasons, the most challenging show to put on during the last 23 years.

However, always looking for something to make you smile, it’s the ‘Spot the Deliberate Mistake’ challenge! Those who have already bought tickets may wish to look at them a little more closely. When Tickets, Banners and Posters had gone to print, it was noticed by my eagle eyed daughter that they all read “Snow White and the Seven Drawfs” and only the posters/flyers could be altered as I was printing those myself!

The Banners were interesting as the only solution was to cut out the letters, use a section of one of last year’s banners (why did I keep them? Now I know) to back the large hole and with a Stanley knife, glue, strong tape, permanent ink pens and a lot of patience, play a game of anagrams.

The posters have been on public display for quite some time and tickets on sale since early November and, to date, no-one has made a single comment!

Enjoy the show (whatever it’s called)!

Mary (Orton) on behalf of LMT