Replacement of the footbridge on the B1 path
Network Rail thought the ‘consultation’ on the evening of Tuesday 23 May at Kibworth Grammar School Hall would be a ‘tick box’ exercise. 19 professionals turned up, there could have been more in the wings. They believed they would return to their superiors and say the public had been consulted and everything was OK.
They could then proceed the destruction of the bridge on pathway B1 whilst providing two alternative routes. One of these was over the ‘Tin bridge’ which is obviously not suitable for mothers with pushchairs or anyone with a disability scooter. The other was via the alleyway beside the chemist shop, crossing first Station Street, followed by a walk up Church Hill and traversing again the same road at the pelican crossing. This again would not be suitable for wheeled vehicles should two of them need to pass each other. The alleyway and pavements are too narrow for this kind of traffic.
Villager consultation
It is safe to say Network Rail were taken aback by at least a hundred villagers turning up to their ‘consultation’ meeting. They left in no uncertain doubt that their solution was not viable. The current footbridge will now remain open until at least, the end of June according to NR. An alternative route or solution is still being sought. Not sure if this is being actively sought or if this is just words to placate the many disgruntled.
Obviously the ideal solution is to install a temporary footbridge to the left looking from School Road with scaffolding etc whilst the current bridge is being replaced. This comes at a price, but as the project is already costing in the region of £700million this is an insignificant price.
This path is an umbilical cord which joins together the two Kibworths. The two ‘lungs’ that are Harcourt and Beauchamp.
STOP PRESS! NETWORK RAIL have called for a further ‘drop in’ community event on Wednesday 28June 3pm – 6.30pm at Kibworth Grammar School
STOP PRESS! The Project Team will be on hand, once again, to answer any queries regarding the work they are doing.
It is hoped the positive solution to many concerns will be the instillation of a temporary footbridge at the bottom of School Road. We wait and see!