Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council – June 2023

Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

The parish council’s monthly meeting on 3 May and the annual meeting on 15 May were held in the Studio at the Kibworth Grammar School Hall.

Cllr. Feltham explained that Network Rail need to demolish and rebuild three bridges across the railway at Kibworth and Newton Harcourt and were holding an information event for residents on 23 May in the Grammar School Hall at 6 pm.  The School Road bridge carries the B1 Public Right of Way and the proposed long diversion route would be riskier for children and the elderly.

He also explained that the lengthy traffic queues on A6 were due to the installation of gas in late April to the Coach & Horses, and then Severn Trent only half finished installing a new water pipe in early May so will need to return.

Joint Recreation Board. A CCTV camera has been fitted in Warwick Park. The playground, zip wire and the end of MUGA are all clearly visible. The new skate park will also be included in the 24/7 monitoring that is viewed by HDC as part of the CCTV network. The CCTV server has been moved from the library to the parish office.

It has been reported that some of the apple trees in the community orchard on Warwick Park have been vandalised. 

The oxygenating plants and planted baskets will be fitted this month for the Rookery Pond and once the final delivery of soil is completed in June, the area can be levelled and seeded.

Village Hall.  A film night showing ‘Elvis’ was very successful and three more film nights for June, July, and August are being planned.

Grammar School Hall / Community Hub. The KGSH AGM was held on 12 April. The Steering Group are awaiting support for additional funding from June, as the current consultancy agreement with Nortoft ends on 31 May.

Finances & Administration. All financial statements, reconciliations, summaries, and shared costs with KBPC were approved. The annual insurance costs for both KHPC and the cemetery were approved. It was agreed to share the cost of a lawn mower and office chairs with KBPC.

Councillor report. The clerk will repeat the request for Greenbelt to investigate dead trees along the path from Braymish Close.

Clerk’s report. Planting of wildflower seeds on the Wistow Road roundabout should be in June and councillors approved a quote of £130 for Spendlove to prepare it first.  A grant of £500 towards a Coronation bench has been received; no firm decision has been made but this could be placed in Larkswood Park.

At the annual KHPC meeting, Dr Kevin Feltham was re-elected chairman, and John Tillotson as vice-chairman.  Representatives on the two Joint Boards and other organisations were agreed upon and have been updated on the website.

Following the completion of the Community Speed Watch, 63 letters have been sent by the police to owners of vehicles exceeding the speed limits.

Dr Feltham, as chairman of both LCC and KHPC, cut the ribbon to open the renovated Kibworth Windmill on 14 May.

The next public meeting was on 1 June in the Kibworth Grammar School Hall and our annual parish walkabout is on 6 July, and both will be reported in due course.

Our 7pm monthly meetings are open to the public so why not come along to meet all our councillors and see what we do?

Please visit our website for more information about us.

If you would like to get involved or let us know of any community news about up-and-coming events, then please contact the Clerk.

Sara Barrett (