Christmas at Gumley

Usually at this time of year everyone is getting ready for Christmas celebrations. In Gumley that usually means a Nativity or Carol Service and a Christingle Service, in St Helen’s our beautiful church.

We usually hold a Christmas party for the children in our Village Hall, Santa always manages to make the date even though he is sooooo very busy!

Some years we have managed to arrange a Christmas meal in our local pub The Bell, for residents and their families, which everyone enjoys.

This year will be different…

This year will be very different with the pub closed, St Helen’s having to scale back their usual services and no Christmas party for the children.


The children are planning to hold a Carol Singing Walk through the village, stopping at four locations and will be collecting for The Children’s Society. They will be carrying the collecting candles that would have been used at The Christingle Service.

…different can be just as good.

It will be different this year with the Restrictions/Tier 3 but different can be just as good or even better. As in many places, Gumley has trimmed up for Christmas earlier this year and the decorations and lights around the village look beautiful.

We have a huge Christmas tree in front of our Village Hall and many homes have festive lights adorning their doors and windows.

Greetings from Gumley for a Very Happy Christmas and New Year 2021. Keep Safe and Well whilst enjoying the festivities.

Lynda Chapman