Kibworth School Road Chapel News

Kibworth Methodist Church

Kibworth Methodist Church is part of the East Mercia Circuit of 18 Methodist Churches and Places of Worship. But how does this benefit our church or its membership?


Each week, services are led by ministers and preachers from all over the local area. THis is well as our own church, giving a wide variety and style of worship.


Our own website is linked to the rest of the churches in the Circuit. It provides material that can be viewed or downloaded for our own use, and details of other services and activities taking place elsewhere. It currently contains items such as: good news stories from various other local churches; weekly material that can be utilised by house groups, individuals or families, which is free to download; podcasts relating to issues of the day. Why not come along to one of our services or visit our website to ascertain items useful to you in your Christian journey?


For many years this informal worship has been part of the life of Kibworth Methodist Church on a Sunday afternoon. Over the years, its format and frequency has changed, recently consisting of monthly subjects on specific topics. Is there still a need for SPACE? If so, in what form should it take and at what time and frequency? At 5pm on Sunday 2 June, the last SPACE in its present form takes place with the title ‘Looking Forward’.

Michael Mays, who has led SPACE, will lead this service. We thank him for his dedication over the years. We hope and pray that an appropriate way forward can be found to replace this part of the worship life of our church.

“God loves you unconditionally, no strings attached. That’s the Good News.”

-Front Page of the Methodist Church’s National Website.

Enquiries: Roger Piper 07941 643809