Kibworth Scouts

Scouts - 1st Kibworth

An Update

Since the last Kibworth & District Chronicle landed on our doorsteps we’ve made some fantastic progress with our new land by the railway line. 

Many will have walked past and observed the change of scenery, the result of lots of hard work from many!

Firstly Amco Griffin re-fenced the entire site with security fencing, which gave us a clear idea of the land’s dimensions. Then the team at TLR Landscaping worked their magic clearing everything with their forestry muncher, which made light work of literally everything! Volunteers helped clean up rubbish and Adam helped us out by scraping and levelling the land with his huge excavator.

After the fence was broken into, Kibworth Fencing came to the rescue and donated time and materials to put everything right. Huge thanks to everyone! 

Our next step, over the winter, is to commence a huge biodiversity project that we are lucky to have received funding for. This will see the planting of over 300 trees and hedge plants, which the young people will be helping with.

We have also requested the support of the Kibworth Parish Councils with a Community Capital Grant that HDC are offering. Parish councils need to support any applications to the grant, and we aim to create a permanent outdoor education setup.

This includes an outdoor classroom shelter, and various educational facilities that will benefit young people visiting from Scouts, Guides, local groups or even the local schools. We hope that the parish council will support our proposal.

Our new term at scouts is super exciting, but we’re looking for a few more adult volunteers to help on a weekly basis. Full training and support is given to our leaders who all find the role extremely rewarding. Get in touch for more information- (0116 279 6861)