Kibworth & Smeeton WI

September 12 was our first meeting after our summer break and Petra Galligan gave us an unusual and practical evening of Sound Therapy. Petra is a violinist and pianist and has been practising Sound Therapy for 13 years.

She explained that there is some science in it, that sound and the human body go together. Due to the high percentage of water in our body, music travels through water, and therefore our body, very quickly. Our body also creates its own sound.

Petra used volunteers to demonstrate how the therapy involves moving into the human body’s energy field. Clapping her hands around one volunteers energy field, the sound altered in two places and Petra encountered resistance.

She rang a bell in the same energy field and from the sound changing was able to deduce that the left knee was working hard to compensate for the right knee, which had been recently operated on. The clapping and bell (her diagnostic tool) techniques are used to clear the area of energy where there are problems.

Volunteers used the techniques on each other. Petra said that sound is constantly all around us – eg Earth has a low hum, which is reproduced for astronauts in space for their comfort. On the other hand, fluorescent lighting is not good for us because its sound can induce headaches.

Petra demonstrated different types of sound, beginning with a very large gong, first producing the sounds we are familiar with, using a large beater, then softening it by using a soft hank of wool. Changing to small rubber balls on sticks, she slid them over the gong to create some amazing sounds, including dolphins in the ocean, whale song and space travel noises.

Many such sounds are used for relaxation, switching off mentally. For our final ten minutes Petra led us into a guided meditation session. Closing our eyes, we absorbed music from the gong, then from both crystal and Himalayan singing bowls, finishing with pretty chimes, before being brought back by the delicate ringing of her bell.

The WI has also been busy with its many charity crafting activities. During the year they have made knee blankets, fish and chip’ jumpers and heart monitor bags for Glenfield Hospital.

They will shortly be putting up the poppies in St Wilfrid’s Church and have also presented a poppy cascade to Smeeton Westerby Church in time for Remembrance Sunday.

Beverley Taylor, President