Dear Editor

Further to my last month’s Chronicle letter about writing letters, this letter is about the letters that make up letters we write.

Over THE coming festive season might I suggest a challenge ? NAMELY to seek THE longest word possible WHEN writing every letter in capitals – but WITH no curly bits allowed!

Score one point for every LINE used to form THE individual letters. Hence LETTEr itself is AN encouraging starter scoring 14 until one reaches THE FINAL LETTEr, being disallowed because of THE curly section of R.

Whereas M and W are helpful, each scoring 4; K, N, Z, H, F, A and Y would each score 3; X, V, L and T, I suggest are only twos whilst U has a curly base so is unavailable, as are B, C, D, G, J and certainly no O, P, Q, R, or S.

Interesting THAT both theologically and  linguistically HEAVEN is to be desired rather THAN HELL, scoring 19 as against 11; I HAVE managed one word scoring 34, but as I am happier dealing in 🎶 more THAN letters, I hope and indeed would welcome one or more reader identifying a higher scoring word over THE festive season.

Roger Garratt.