News from Smeeton Westerby – Feb 2025

By the time that you read this, we will be heading into spring! How wonderful is that?

Recently, the Village Hall committee met to plan our social events for the next few months and we are very excited to announce that our CoCo mornings are going to start up again on the third Wednesday of each month, the next one being on Wednesday 19 February. For those of you who do not know what CoCo is, it’s short for Coffee and Conversation. It was going to be CoCaCo, i.e. coffee, cake and conversation but that was a bit of a tongue twister! However, there will be cakes and biscuits too! It’s all free; you just make a donation if you wish too. So, do join us in our village hall at 10.30am on the 19th.

Our next venture is to have a sort of village variety show. It would be a supper evening followed by some funny sketches, readings, songs, music etc. etc. So, if you have a hidden talent or if you would just like to take part, then please contact Janet on 07950 409 610. We would love to hear from you. We are looking at a Saturday night at the beginning of April.

Edd and Andrew at The Kings Head have also been busily organising different events and here is what they have planned for you:

On Saturday 22 February, they are holding a Charity Bingo Night. It costs £10 per entry and this includes buffalo chicken wings, prizes and a raffle for GEMS charity.

Then on Wednesday 5 March, it’s the The Kings Head Jazz Club with live jazz music.

Next on Saturday 8 March, there is a Charity Quiz Night. It costs £4 per person entry fee, with a maximum team size of four. Again, all proceeds to GEMS charity.

On Friday 14, Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 March, there is going to be a mini beer festival for the pub’s birthday celebration.

In other news, they had a very successful charity music event on Friday 24 January 24, when Kit Blake played his acoustic guitar. Over £430 was raised on the evening for Loros Hospice.

Services in our lovely Christ Church, continue to follow the same pattern. The first Sunday of the month is our communion service; the second Sunday, our, warm friendly family service and the third Sunday, our morning service. It would be lovely to welcome to these services, people not only from our own village but also from further afield, so why not give it a try. You will definitely receive a warm welcome.

Janet Gilbert