Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council April 2021 report

Kibworth Harcourt Parish Logo

The latest Zoom meeting was on 1 April, we welcomed DCllr Whelband, and Jane Tallett, who was approved for co-option.

The Chairman reported that he had been invited to attend a site meeting on Monday 29  March at Kibworth Windmil. He met with engineers from the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB). After a bequest they now have the finances to restore the mill to working order with new sails this summer. 

The clerk and chairman received online training to simplify the present parish council website and to get it ready for an upgrade later this year.

The chairman had been contacted by a resident who has applied (21/00557/TPO) for a lone scots pine tree in his front garden to be felled as the expert’s report now classifies it is at risk to the property after several branches fell off during a recent windy weekend. If approved, the tree is to be replaced with a tree more suited to the location. The parish council will consider any comments at their May meeting.

Continued Police and Safety Partnership meetings

DCllr Whelband explained that he had been continuing his meetings with the police and safety partnership team to improve the communication links following further ASB incidents. 

The end of year final balance sheet for the Joint Burial Board and earmarked expenditure for the Cemetary were approved. In line with the recent Memorandum of Understanding between the two Kibworth parish councils and comments from external auditors.

All parish council financial reconciliations and payments were approved.

The clerk reported on her continuing efforts to have the defibrillator, on the side of Boboli’s on Main Street, maintained; and council approved a new cabinet to replace the current faulty one.  She also confirmed she has purchased a new England flag. This can be flown on Jubilee Green on the 23 April for St Georges Day.

The next meeting on 6 May could be the last virtual meeting. The government has not extended the legislation that has permitted virtual council meetings.

Please visit our website for more information about us

Please contact the Clerk if you would like to get involved or let us know of any news, or up-coming events.

Sara Barrett (