Rural Crime Event

Are you a farmer, landowner or other business owner in the rural communities of Harborough District?

We are hosting our fourth annual rural crime event on 7 February at Kilworth Springs Golf Course, between 6:30 – 8.30pm.

The event is chaired and hosted by the Harborough Community Safety Partnership. It brings together the local council, police, fire service, NFU and Crimestoppers to hear about your experiences of crime. They can also give you the latest updates on new initiatives to reduce crime in the rural community.

There will also be a networking session where crime reduction agencies and businesses will be on hand to talk to you about security concerns or solutions such as Datatag, the Environmental Crime team and What 3 Words.

Booking is essential, if you would like to attend please contact by 21 January 2022.

Van Owners

Leicestershire Police are reminding van owners to make sure their belongings are secure at all times.

It follows a spate of thefts from vans across the force area where tools have been stolen from vehicles parked at residential addresses. A small number of vans in hotel and store car parks have also been targeted.

In November there were 68 thefts in comparison to 49 in October, with another 25 during the first two weeks in December.

Van owners should lock their vehicles at all times, even when leaving it for less than a minute. Where possible park it in a secure garage overnight. If this isn’t possible, park it in a well-lit place or install security lights or visible cameras to deter potential thieves. If you can, park as close to another vehicle or building to prevent access to doors. Security mark all tools and remove them from the vehicle overnight. If this isn’t possible, keep them in a lock-up inside the vehicle.