Last Minute We Did It

Jack & the Beanstalk, Last Minute Theatre, Kibworth logo

‘Jack & the Beanstalk’

Despite all the odds being against us, Last Minute Theatre rose like a Phoenix from the ashes and defied COVID. Concerned over a suspected lack of confidence of audiences returning to theatre. Would we have enough players on the night? Amazingly, at the final hour, we boasted a full cast and crew for every one of the 6 performances of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk!’ Phew!

Magical Aura as Jack Climbs the Beanstalk

We actually had larger audiences this year than in January 2020 when life was ‘normal!’ After five months as Director totally immersed in Pantomime, I am again a free woman, but so proud of everyone at LMT (Last Minute Theatre).

Ages of the 40+ involved ranged from 5 years to mid 80s. All have had great fun together and created a magical pantomime.

Little and Large Thomas Barrows and Josephine Cullinane
Frozen in Time by Witch Evil

We were privileged and delighted to have Beryl (Bezza) Tory attend one of our matinees. A surprise sprung on her by her family! Beryl is a founder member of LMT. She was brazen enough, in her 70s, to sing “I’ll Make a Man of You” wearing basque and stockings. Something I aspire to, not the singing you understand, just the mode of dress, or lack of it!

What’s Next?

Next is a one night only LMT Quizaret. A combined Fun Quiz and Cabaret.

  • Date: Saturday 28 May

The room will be set Cabaret style with teams/tables of 6. We can always make up teams if required. There will be a licensed bar and we invite you to bring your own food. Put It In Your Diary! More details later.

What’s On in September

On Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th September there will be a classic LMT Cabaret style show. Era, theme and format still to be decided but guaranteed to Knock Your Socks Off. Again, Put It In Your Diary!

More Information

For more information on Last Minute Theatre & our upcoming events, please see:

Happy February!

Mary J Orton on behalf of LMT