
Dear Editor

I was interested in reaction to my attempt in the February issue, at offering a litany of Kibworth Plans. TWENTY YEARS OF THEM – and to what purpose or whose benefit?

‘Take heart – draw up a chair. Put the kettle on. Make a brew.’ I enclose an update from the latest minutes of KBPC.

Neighbourhood Plan Refresh. Following comments received from the Regulation 14 consultation that ended on 31December. (The) – facilitator, has made the relevant amendments to the 72- page document before it is presented to the Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee and both parish councils. In addition, a Consultation Statement, has been prepared and this will accompany the amended Neighbourhood Plan. All appendices for the Regulation 16 consultation which is run by HDC.

Following that the documents will be sent to an external examiner for their assessment. Once any changes requested by the examiner have been made and there is agreement that the Plan is sound, HDC will confirm a date for a referendum on it.” (I have put some words in bold and blanked other. RG)

I wonder who will benefit from all this. Stakeholders? Clients? Service users ? Households ? Occupiers ? the Residents ? whoever these are. Or those whom Parish Councils exist to serve – people.

Roger Garratt