Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council report April 2022

The parish council held its monthly public meeting on 22 March in the Studio at the Kibworth Grammar School Hall.

A member of the public raised concerns regarding the Care Home planning application ref 22/00692/FUL (see below).

Clerk’s Report. Remedial tree and bush pruning on the Melbourne Close open space has been completed; topsoil is being ordered to level the ground.

The Scouts are in communication with David Wilson Homes about land off Robin Drive for a community building, and have instructed an architect to draw up plans.

The Scouts have also offered to help get the village planters painted and planted out. The Clerk will liaise with them to organise this.

A meeting is being organised with the fundraiser to agree something appropriate in memory of ‘Fred’, Stephen Winter who died in 2020.

An email has been received from South Leicestershire Medical Group regarding Kibworth Medical Centre and Matrix Medical. It has confirmed that the voluntary liquidation of Matrix Medical Kibworth Ltd has had no impact on the practice or patient care.

Planning permission

Parish councillors agreed to object to 22/00529/FUL (26 High Street) because no extra parking was included for the additional accommodation. 

22/0641/FUL (4 Harcourt Road) was supported as it is compliant with planning policies.

22/00692/FUL (72 bed care home off Fleckney Road). It was resolved to object to this application as it cannot constitute a sustainable development as its location is outside the limits to development (KNP Policy SD1) in the made Neighbourhood Plan and in the revised version.

Land on Disraeli Close and School Road. Councillors decided not to adopt these parcels of land and Persimmon and HDC would be notified accordingly.

CCTV. It was resolved to place the orders for the camera and transceiver equipment and to move the server to the parish office. It was also agreed to pay the annual monitoring costs.

Neighbourhood Plan Review.

It was resolved to approve the Regulation 16 version of the Neighbourhood Plan, and that it can be submitted to HDC once KHPC have resolved the same.

Platinum Jubilee. The Orchard Society has completed the new planting on Warwick Park and a commemorative plaque is to be agreed. The Larkswood Green is to be renamed ‘Larkswood Platinum Park’. Funding for a flagpole and flag for The Bank roundabout, has been applied for.  The Scouts would like to collaborate with KBPC to run an event.

Joint Recreation Board. Approval for various items of expenditure was given, including hedge laying in both Smeeton Road Rec and Warwick Park. Approval was given for an S106 application to be completed for a double zipwire in Warwick Park.

Youth Provision. It was resolved to continue funding the Fiesta Sports sessions on Tuesday evenings from Easter to the end of the school term in July.

The next monthly public meeting is at 7pm on Tuesday 26 April in the Studio at Kibworth Grammar School Hall.

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Maria Smith
