It’s so simple to advertise with the Kibworth & District Chronicle. We distribute to approximately 5,100 households across 29 villages in South Leicestershire. A typical publication is 24 pages, and we print in full colour.
We deliver 10 editions per year, from September through to June.
We offer a very cost effective advertising solution to reach all these households.
There is NO extra charge for a colour advert, on any of our adverts!
Our advertisers can choose to display their adverts, in the printed edition, online or both. With a digital ad, we can link to your website, social media page or email address.
We prioritise advertising to businesses within our distribution area. We cannot include flyers or loose inserts. Are you are planning a local event? We can include these in our ‘Forthcoming Events’ section and there is no charge.

If you not seen a recent copy of the Kibworth & District Chronicle, then click on the image above to see a recent edition. You can see how we present adverts, organise the articles etc.
You can view previous editions of The Kibworth & District Chronicle. We have a project underway to digitalise our full back catalogue
NB: We are not responsible for content published on 3rd Party sites.
Artwork sizes & Prices
Current Prices

We currently produce the Chronicle in the traditional lay-up board method. These lay-up pages are produced oversized. The final printed edition is smaller. The final printed advert sizes will be smaller. Final print sizes will be: Single: 62x47mm, Double Portrait: 62mmx97mm, Double Landscape 126mmx47mm, Double-Double: 126mmx97mm and Treble: 190mmx97mm(approx).

NB: The advert sizes quoted above, are those sizes required for the initial lay-up process.
Please supply your adverts in a digital format. Files can either be .pdf, jpeg or .png files. We can create adverts from your copy free of charge, but this is subject to available resource. We do not provide proofs.
How to pay for an advert
We ask new advertisers to pay in advance for the first advert, thereafter payment is against invoice. For the first payment, please pay either:
(Preferred) by BACS or internet transfer
Sort Code 40-32-04
Account No 21042122
Or by cheque payable to The Kibworth and District Chronicle. please send cheques to The Kibworth Chronicle, c/o The Treasurer, 1 Rectory Lane, Kibworth Beauchamp, LE8 0NW.
We have done all we can to hold our prices for the 2024-25 Print year, and we can offer a 20% discount if you pay for a full publishing year – 10 months (Sept – June) – in advance.
Advertisers with the Kibworth & District Chronicle who fall into arrears (i.e. 90 days), will be excluded and may be asked to pay in advance for future advertising.
Please note that we do not run adverts for political parties, e.g. forthcoming elections. Candidates are invited to contact the Editorial Team, to be included within articles that promote all candidates. We also do not run adverts that support/promote society or cultural movements. Again, you are invited to submit an article to the Editorial Team.

Advert tips
If you planning to design your own advert, here are a couple of tips:
- Less is more – don’t crowd your space
- Break up your telephone number, e.g. 0116 123 4567 or 07989 123 456
- Avoid using thick bold fonts or a thick border
- Be VERY clear what you want your prospective customer to do. Visit your website, Facebook page or email
It’s so easy to advertise with the Kibworth & District Chronicle – probably your competitors are already doing it. So don’t delay. Get in contact today.
Advertisers must provide written authority for the Chronicle to make changes to artwork provided by an agency.