
Letters, we get letters we get lots and lots of letters.”
If you recognise those words you are of a certain age, mature, and you will recall the next three lines were:

Dear Perry would you be so kind
As to fill a request
And sing the song we like best.”

Here at The Kibworth Chronicle we are not as lucky as Perry Como who appeared to get thousands of letters each month. We haven’t had any since we went online!

So what are you doing all you potential letter writers? You can’t be going out and about, well perhaps out for coffee, lunch and dinner if the weather is fine. Out being just out on the patio of course.

We would love to hear from you. Let us know your Coronavirus experiences because after all, we are making history now and we need to leave a record of what ordinary people were thinking and doing. Photos would be good too.

What for instance did you do on VE Day? Are you old enough to have any memories of that time?

We would love younger people to write to us too. Maybe they don’t write letters now but on a personal note, I have to tell you that my granddaughter’s Scout Group in Sale asked them all to write a letter to someone in their family they were missing. I had a lovely long letter which brightened my day and which I can read over and over again.

Many children write thank you letters and emails at Christmas and on their birthdays , but could they write a newsy letter to us? Ask them. And you too of course.

You can send your letters to theeditor@kibworthchronicle.com, and include ‘Letters’ in the subject line

Ending now as we must clear the decks for all those letters we are going to receive!