Note From the Kibworth Osteopathic Practice

Hello to you all and a quick update from the Kibworth Osteopathic Practice!
I hope you and your loved ones are keeping well in these difficult times. My clinic at the Kibworth Medical Centre has been closed for some weeks now and I am missing helping the community greatly. However, I am sure you will all join me in deep gratitude for my colleagues at the Kibworth Medical Centre who are all doing an amazing job. I hope to return to work soon!
I wanted to write to remind you all, no matter how many years young you are, to keep moving. Those of you who know me as your Osteopath or as your Pilates instructor will know my mantra of Movement is Medicine for your body!
Go for a walk
So, go for a walk, (of course observing the social distancing advice), or a wander around your garden if you are not to leave home. If you are watching a film, or reading a book, get up in the adverts/end of the chapter. As a lovely patient once said to me; “if you rest you rust”.
If you are working from home, please make sure your ergonomics (desk set up) are right for you. This means using a laptop stand to avoid a hunched posture and not having a make-shift desk out of your sofa! Again, get up regularly, (the NICE guidelines are every 20 minutes) for a few minutes, making sure you take a lunch break.
Final tips
My final top-tip is to stretch. If you are not sure on what to do, please contact me. The local fitness instructors are putting some absolutely amazing classes online (for all abilities/ages), which is the next best thing to being in class, as am I with my Pilates classes.
Nothing is forever, and this strange time will pass and I’ll be back at Kibworth Osteopathic Practice soon. Keep well, keep safe, and remember, keep (safely) active!
Emily Coombes