The Kibworths’ Neighbourhood Plan Review

The two parish councils are reviewing the Kibworths’ Neighbourhood Plan, which was formally adopted on 25 January 2018. This review follows the adoption of the new Harborough Local Plan in April 2019, and relevant updates to national planning policy, which have given more weight to Neighbourhood Plans.
The two parish councils are taking professional advice and have been assured it is good practice to review the Plan periodically to ensure conformity with strategic planning policies.
A key part of the review is a consideration about allocating land for small-scale, and locally appropriate residential development, within the Limits of Development envelope. The two parish councils are therefore looking to identify land which could accommodate up to ten new dwellings, ideally bungalows or residential homes for those over 55 years, over the next 11 years, which if successful, will enable the two parishes to shape residential development in line with locally identified need. The Harborough Local Plan did not allocate any additional homes for the two Kibworths beyond those large-scale sites already under construction.
The parish councils are asking if you own, or represent someone who owns land within either Kibworth Beauchamp or Kibworth Harcourt’s Limits to Development, and which you think might be suitable for residential development to let us know
by 15 June 2020. Please note this is only an information gathering exercise at the moment. Our aim is to compile a comprehensive list of land that might be suitable to meet our local housing needs.
Please contact the Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council clerk by
emailing or phoning 07716 642077 with details of the land location and potential number of houses.
Kevin Feltham