Last Minute Theatre’s socially distanced “Jack and the Beanstalk”

Last Minute Theatre are determined to stage their next Pantomime in January 2021 -though, due to Coronavirus, there will be some small (tongue in cheek) adjustments as follows:
No Front of House staff as they are self-isolating so ticket payment will be made by contactless cardboard shoe box with a slot cut in it.
There will be no bar as the staff are shielding (the alcohol I think!).
Bring your own chairs and steel rules (please place two metres apart – front, back and sides).
For separate entrance and exit requirements, fire doors will need to be fully open. As January often brings snow and rain, snow shovels and umbrellas will be provided for your use.
We have no prompt as she couldn’t be bothered to ‘Stay Alert’ so decided to ‘Stay Away’.

Lack of room backstage will preclude Stage Manager and team, so no stage curtains will be used and all scenery for every scene will be visible throughout.
Chorus will consist of three and a half Villagers due to size of stage and social distancing requirements.
Dame Trot and her children, Jack and Debbie, will be able to form their own “Pod”, affectionately known as a “bean pod”.
When the bailiffs come to remove furniture from the Dame’s cottage, the table must be at least two metres long so it can be carried by two socially distanced people.
At that length, there may be a problem getting it through the window (with the excess of other scenery) but, if so, there’s a very good Mr. Fixer, Peter Soulsby, who’ll willingly sort it and fix the window.
All characters to wash their hands with soap and water in Dame Trot’s kitchen sink – all to follow the “one way” system.
As COVID 19 may thrive on natural vegetation, the beanstalk is to be doused with soapy water at regular intervals (on a positive note, it will be greenfly-free).
When Jack takes “Buttercup the Cow” to market, he must use a two metre length lead. Buttercup will become “Butter” and “Cup” so as to socially distance her ‘head and front legs’ from her ‘rump and back legs’ (Sincere apologies to those who thought Buttercup was a real animal – we’re really, really sorry.)

To avoid compounding viral infections, Buttercup will be put through a disinfectant wash prior to performances to avoid the issue of Foot and Mouth Disease.
King Frederick the Forgetful and Princess Eleanor are self-isolating in the Castle during this pandemic. The King will make his speech to the nation from there this evening.
When the Witch buys Buttercup from Jack, it will be by “contactless” beans (as a preferred method of payment) and there will be anti-bac wipes to clean Buttercup’s lead prior to transfer.
Once Jack has climbed the Beanstalk, there will be hand sanitiser available at the entrance to the Giant’s Castle (quite how large it will be is not certain).
When everyone finally escapes with the Giant’s Magic Hen and his Gold, the booty must all be quarantined for at least 72 hours to ensure elimination of the virus. The audience must now assume, for continuity purposes, that what they cannot see, they must imagine.
We hope you enjoy the show!!! Oh, and Stay Safe! X
PS I am sure we are all sorely missing every form of entertainment. Be assured that LMT will be back ‘treading the boards’ as soon as it is safe to do so. Joking aside, if we are able to stage Jack and the Beanstalk in January 2021, the booked dates are:
- Matinee and Evening on Saturday 23 January,
- Matinee on Sunday 24 January,
- Evening on Friday 29 January,
- Matinee and Evening on Saturday 30 January.