Kibworth Velo Club – September Update

Kibworth Velo Club continues to grow – we’ve added another eight riders to our club from Kibworth and surrounding villages.
Our Club Rides are on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings, taking in a coffee/cake stop with lots of social chit chat on the way round!
COVID prevented Club Rides until early June – prior to that we were solo-cycling or in groups of two.
We’ve been playing catch up since then and have enjoyed a number of trips and day rides. A small group went to the Cotswolds in July to enjoy a day’s ride following some of the Tour of Britain route.
Lots of lovely villages and quiet roads, interspersed with some tough climbs! We’ve also followed a Great British Bike Ride route around Lincolnshire – this included climbing up the famous Steep Hill in Lincoln, bumping over the cobbles.
More recently, a group went to Wells, Somerset for a day’s ride round the flatlands and finishing up through Cheddar Gorge.
A great ride of some much varying terrain, including Fish & Chips at Burnham on Sea.
We have added to our cycling jersey collections with the launch of a new red and black kit – thanks to Fraser Law for organising.
We look very smart when you see us out in our new kit.
As the nights draw in, we continue our evening rides until the end of October – a good set of bike lights is needed but riding in the dark is great fun.
You see lots of different wildlife and it really changes your senses. We also continue weekend rides and start planning trips and rides for 2021 – we were due to go to Majorca in May so that will be rescheduled.
A mecca for cycling, it should be a great trip.
Join through Facebook. We are an extremely friendly and sociable bunch! We help each other and are not short of mechanical experts, puncture repairers and general cycling nuts.
Ask any cycling questions and you’re bound to get a helpful answer, including ‘you need to buy a new bike’!
Chris Pople