Lockdown Life at Kibworth Golf Club

As life slowly reverts to what could be the new normal, the full lockdown of Spring 2020 becomes a distant memory…
23 March – At Kibworth Golf Club members were devastated as the full lockdown meant there was no golf, just as the season was due to begin.
The gates were barred and bolted and the Office Staff and Professionals were furloughed. However, the grass didn’t stop growing and our Green Keepers had the run of the course on the mowers with no players to dodge…
And then as people started exploring when taking their daily exercise, they discovered the public footpath that runs through our course.
They came in their droves and were surprised to discover the splendour of the course. Many went ‘Off Piste’ from the official route and sat picnicking by the pond, the children played in the bunkers and families walked freely up and down the fairways.
We turned a blind eye and let the walkers enjoy our haven just for those few weeks, some were even referring to our course as Kibworth Common!
13 May – The course can re-open; the government acknowledges that Golf is potentially one of the safest sports to play in the current situation.
Following the Covid-19 guidelines to the letter, the golfers returned in their droves, the Green Keepers had worked their magic and the course was stunning.
Walkers were alerted that we were open and to please revert to the footpath and to keep dogs on a lead.
I was delighted to receive many messages stating how much people had enjoyed our course and kind words of appreciation.
That is a snapshot of our lockdown experience and the outcome has been a very positive one.
We have had a surge of new members which is always welcome, many of them as a result of discovering the beauty of Kibworth Golf Club.
Why not come and join us? For further information call Bev on (0116) 279 2301.
Wendy Quilter