Medical Centre responds to patient frustrations

Some of you will, through your own experience or by reading the many comments on social media, be aware that it is proving difficult for some to get through to the South Leicestershire Medical Group by phone.
However, patients can contact the Group by using Engage Consult, an on-line patient tool designed to improve access to their systems.
Here in an extract from their leaflet ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ is the response from the Group.
This leaflet has been sent out, together with an accompanying document ‘A day in the life of a GP at South Leicestershire Medical Group’, to various interested bodies, including our MP, Local and district councils, Kibworth Isolation Relief Team and community newspapers like the Kibworth & District Chronicle.
Both documents will appear on our website shortly.
They will also be giving paper copies to all patients attending the ongoing Flu Jab clinics and patients who have commented on social media.
Both documents will also be available at the various surgeries of the Group.
The extract reads:
We have noticed a number of negative comments on the local social media sites, and we would like to be able to answer some of your most frequently asked questions. We are doing this in various formats and media – paper/on-line/website.
We intend to have a social media presence going forwards, and we will be launching the South Leicestershire Medical Group Facebook page imminently. We will be posting timely informative communications on this moderated site, and hope that this will help with the misinformation that has previously been posted elsewhere.
We are also working with a new website provider, and the new website will be available shortly. The website address will remain the same
We are hugely grateful to our Patient Participation Group (PPG). This group is open to all patients who are registered with our Practice. We meet on the first Thursday of every month at 1pm, and due to Covid-19, this is currently via Microsoft Teams. If you would like to join the PPG, and help influence our future service delivery, please visit our website for further details, or email the PPG: