Fleckney & Kibworth Running Club – October 2020

Sam’s Pennine Way Challenge
No stranger to long-distance fell running, Sam Pole has undertaken his biggest challenge yet, tackling the 268 miles of the Pennine Way.
Starting at Edale in Derbyshire, the route winds its way up along the ‘Spine of England’, taking in the Peak District, Yorkshire Dales and Cheviot Hills before reaching Kirk Yetholm, just over the Scottish border.
Most people would cover the route over several weeks or return to tackle each section at their leisure, but Sam decided to run the whole thing in just ten days.
He kept us all up-to-date with regular updates as well as stunning photos and videos as he reached various highlights and high peaks along the way. Weeks of training and planning paid off as Sam completed the challenge, reaching The Border Hotel and a well-earned rest
Run The World
The Leicester Marathon was one of many events to be cancelled this year, meaning the new organisers faced a second year of frustration, after floods put paid to the 2019 event.
Determined to do something for their main charity, LOROS, they set up a virtual Team Event ‘Run The World’.
The aim of the challenge was for Clubs or other groups to put teams together and run as many miles as possible throughout September.
As well as individual and team challenges, the overall aim was to complete enough miles altogether to circumnavigate the globe.
Over 900 runners logged distances ranging from a few kilometres to a staggering 1,000km or more.
The overall total distance was 147,927km, enough to cover 5 continents, 110 countries and get back to Victoria Park! Fleckney & Kibworth had 23 runners, many spurred on to run in memory of Jo Thacker, a much-loved club member who sadly passed away 2 years ago and spent her final days at LOROS.
Between us, we covered a distance of 2,103km, enough to take us on a virtual tour across the Channel to France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg and back through Belgium and France again, reaching Nantes at the end of the competition.
A great event that helped raise much-needed funds for LOROS.
Club Nights
As the autumn and winter nights approach we are back to running, mainly around our local villages under the streetlights, but also heading out to Market Harborough for some variety.
There are also regular torch-lit runs along the canal and cross-country. Training sessions working on speed or hill reps are also offered, and club members are heading out and about on weekends as well, to enjoy the surrounding countryside in daylight.
If you’re interested in joining us at our regular Tuesday and Thursday Club Nights, please contact either Andy Kemp on 07525 465643, myself on 07960 969810 or find us on Facebook (Fleckney & Kibworth Running Club).
Alan Gibson