Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council – October 2020

The 22 September meeting via Zoom included a lengthy discussion on anti-social behaviour.
With PC Steve Winn and Sarah Pickering (Community Safety Manager from HDC) who were involved in a patch walk near Warwick Park the previous evening. There have been ASB issues reported to 101 about Warwick Park, especially the car park area, and Smeeton Road Recreation ground.
Some suggestions to improve the car park problems are a 5mph speed hump at the entrance to stop cars accelerating out along Barnards Way, a mobile CCTV camera and noise control signs.
Further quotes including fitting are being obtained. There have been reports of the play area near the primary school getting crowded after school.
It was agreed that visits by a police officer to help educate the parents might be necessary as the council were not keen to close the play area.
A letter about reporting ASB from Harborough District Council and the police has been delivered to households closest to the two parks.
There are ongoing discussions with the tennis club and representatives will be invited to the next parish council meeting.
The bench to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE/VJ days has been installed opposite the church; thanks to Cllr Hooley for leading the project.
The Get Active day on 6 September was very successful and it is hoped to repeat the event in 2021.
Sports clubs and schools will be invited to join in, provided funding and suitable dates can be arranged.
A small working group has been set up to review whether the parish council website is compliant with new WCAG 2.1 AA Accessibility Standards.
A dog bin at the end of Weir Road has been removed by persons unknown, and needs replacing as soon as possible. More litter bins are on order to replace damaged bins on Smeeton Road Rec. and Warwick Park.
The Joint Recreation Board continues to work on improving facilities and are due to commission an open green space strategy. The initial Feasibility Study was completed earlier this year, and the next phase is due to start in November. The Neighbourhood Plan review process is nearing completion and will soon enter the formal consultation stages.
A contractor to prune and tidy the roundabout (The Bank) has been appointed to undertake the work this autumn.
It was agreed unanimously that the phone box on Station Street should remain and HDC will be informed following a request to them from BT to consider its removal. We have over 100 people on social media wanting it to be kept but what about those not on social media? What do you think?
It was agreed to review the effectiveness of the CCTV on High Street in November and then to consider extending the network of cameras.
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Maria Smith (