Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council

The council Zoom meeting was at 7pm on 5 November; there were no members of the public present.
Council were informed about further antisocial behaviour on Saturday 31 October when a litter bin was toppled over, and a bench moved 20 feet.
This including the chained concrete anchor, on the car park at the Barnards Way end of Warwick Park. The litter bin was righted again on the Sunday. The bench has been left for now while more sturdy fixings are obtained.
A blocked gully and storm drain along Marsh Drive are finally being cleared. County Highways are proposing to do a similar job with the gully under the railway bridge on the A6 towards the end of November and traffic lights or a road closure may be needed.
The parish council resolved to part fund the costs of a joint parish council van with Kibworth Beauchamp. This will be invaluable when disposing of green waste, for transporting equipment, new benches and litter bins to the various sites including the cemetery.
There has been a good response to the groundsperson vacancy advert, and it is hoped to hold interviews in early December.
The council resolved to purchase the annual Christmas tree for outside the Old House again. It will not be possible with Covid-19 restrictions to have refreshments, the full Kibworth Band or Ladies Choir, but it is hoped to have a limited tree lighting event on 12 December at 6.30pm.
The council approved the quotation for lighting inside the Lychgate at the cemetery.
Please visit our website for more information about Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council
If you would like to get involved and let us know about any community news, or up and coming events, then please contact the Clerk – Our next meeting will be at 7pm on 3 December.
Sara Barrett, Clerk