Kibworth & Fleckney Rotary Club raising awareness for dementia

In the last two years Kibworth & Fleckney Rotary Club has raised awareness of those living with dementia. This disease, which is indiscriminate, can, in some cases be debilitating and isolating. The Club has been raising funds for Admiral Nurses (Specialist Dementia Care Nurses) for Leicestershire. Two years ago there were none in Leicestershire (apart from one in a teaching capacity). Now there are two at Leicester Royal Infirmary and one at LOROS. In addition there are also two Community Admiral nurses, working out of GP practices in Charnwood, Lutterworth and Blaby. These community nurses are part of a pilot, funded by Admiral Nurses for Leicestershire ( Hopefully more such nurses will be appointed across the county.
There is no cure for dementia and for those with an advanced form, where an individual can be trapped in their dementia, at times separated from the real world, it can cause agitation and anxiety. Indeed it can be difficult to find a calming solution. The way they are treated can obviously make a big difference and music and singing has a very beneficial effect.
Music and Singing can help
A local group ‘Leicester Musical Memory Box’ led by Kyle Newman, has made a great impact locally with their singing groups which help with connecting to real memories. Because of their continued Zoom based Singing sessions they have recently been covered on the BBC East Midlands News, (
Contact with young children and animals can also provide positive connections. Care homes often bring pets into the home for residents to stroke and relate to. It may seem a bit demeaning, not only but dolls and toy animals can provide comfort. Possession of such an artificial aid can be beneficial.
Robotic cats (as shown in the photo) require no feeding, no cat litter trays, yet react to touch by purring and meowing. (