Kibworth Harcourt Parish Meeting.

Kibworth Harcourt Parish Meeting.
The monthly meeting was held on 3 December using Zoom.
Christmas Tree Lighting.
The Chairman reported that the annual Christmas Tree lighting event on 12th December would take place at 6.30pm outside the Old House, but social distancing and Tier 3 restrictions must be followed. He had attended the HDC virtual annual parish liaison meeting and missed the interaction with other councils.
Joint Parish Grounds Person.
He reported that Mrs Deena Sumpter has been appointed the joint parish grounds person; she lives locally and will start from 1 January.
The A6 roadworks requiring traffic lights to excavate and clear the drains and gullies by the railway bridge will be completed by 4 December.
Following the private joint parish council meeting in November, Council approved some minor changes to the electorate proportion between the two Kibworth parish councils and how costs by the two joint boards would be shared in future.
Planning Application 20/01706/FUL :
to retrospectively seek approval for extending the boundary and erecting a small storage store. It was agreed to object as the fence has already been moved closer to Wistow Road and the original hedge has been removed. In making their views known to HDC, the council will ask that the decision includes a condition to move the fence back to the original boundary line and the hedge restored.
Kibworth School.
A letter was discussed from Kate Foster, chairman of governors, at The Kibworth School, about a proposal to join The Mead Education Trust (TMET) multi-academy trust (MAT) consisting of ten academies in the city. The council agreed a response to the letter.
Please visit our website for more information about us
If you would like to get involved and let us know of any community news, or up and coming events, then please contact the Clerk.
Sara Barrett ( Harcourt Parish Council meeting November 2020