Kibworth Beauchamp Parish Council

We have had two public meetings since the last report. Our regular meeting was on 24 November and we held an extraordinary meeting on 1 December.
We were approached by a resident describing some anti-social vandalism to his parked vehicle on School Road. The police have been informed and CCTV records will be checked.
Two councillors have resigned for personal reasons – Cllrs Harrison and Whelband; they were thanked for their work on the council. The appropriate notice announcing the new vacancies is on the notice board. If by-elections are not requested, then the vacancies can be offered for co-option. If interested, please contact the clerk for details.
Council approved some minor changes to the electorate proportion between the two Kibworth parish councils and how costs by the two joint boards would be shared in future.
The clerk announced that the annual external audit has been approved and documents will be available on the notice board and website.
Clerk’s Report.
The clerk’s report included that a dog bin at the end of Weir Road had been replaced; councillors expressed regret that dog walkers had deposited their bags on the ground instead of taking them home, or putting them in another dog bin. The parish van will have appropriate livery applied in early December. Despite the Late Night Shopping event being cancelled, a number of High Street properties with brackets have agreed to install Christmas trees and lights provided by the parish council. It was resolved to include the skate park replacement in the Feasibility Study objectives.
Following reports of slippery mud at two locations on the Smeeton Road Rec, and following the Joint Board’s recommendations, a budget was approved to install new hard surfaces at both locations. The tennis club will be asked for a contribution towards the muddy pathway between two of the courts.
Since further anti-social behaviour has been reported, the clerk was asked to investigate the cost of installing more CCTV cameras.
The Neighbourhood Plan final draft is still being reviewed prior to public consultation; a revised timetable will be requested.
The new parish council website from 2Commune has been launched and part populated, with more documents to be added.
Further Reports.
Reports from county and district councillors, the Joint Boards and other representatives were received and are available on the notice board and website. Responses to current planning applications as recommended by the Planning Committee were approved.
Applications for the new Groundsperson position have been received and interviews will be held shortly.
The Feasibility Study consultants have asked an architect to visit the Grammar School Hall prior to separate meetings being arranged with the Library and GSH Trustees.
The deputy clerk met with members of the tennis club and agreement reached over the rent and more community activity.
The Kibworth school.
Following receipt of a letter from the chairman of The Kibworth School governing body about proposals to join a multi-academy trust in Leicester, an extraordinary meeting was called. After a lengthy discussion, the deputy clerk was asked to compose a letter summarising comments and concerns to the governing body. Amanda Bland was co-opted and welcomed as a new councillor.
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Maria Smith (