Kibworth Golf Club Invasion.

The snow and lockdown has lead to a course invasion at Kibworth Golf Club.The course was invaded by the friendly chaps shown below. They are a few of the many that appeared recently along with the droves of dog walkers who regularly enjoy our beautiful course.
Welcome but…
As in the previous lockdown the general public are welcome to use our golf course to exercise and to walk dogs. However the green-keepers who work so hard to keep the course to the highest standard were disappointed to discover some damage to our greens last week. When the ground is so soft this can easily happen even by the smallest dogs running across the greens and tees.
Dogs on leads please.
With that in mind we must now insist that all dog walkers keep their dogs on a lead. We also ask everyone to keep to the public footpath. The trees/posts have once again been marked with yellow paint to indicate the route to follow. In addition we will be treating the course with chemicals very soon (with the exception of the footpath) which could be harmful to your pets.
We thank you in advance for your consideration and cooperation.
Wendy Quilter