
Kibworth Hug Token.
I was so thrilled to see the Kibworth Hug Token featured in the Chronicle!
It was an idea I had to spread a bit of joy and magic at a time when we simply can’t even hug one another.
A Stealthy Operation.
I contacted some suppliers and put together the first batch of wooden “Kibworth hug tokens” in November 2020. It was quite a stealth operation to be able to drop them without being seen. I know a few times I have been caught by people. So, thank you to those who did see me but helped maintain the magic! Each wooden token hug is sanitised before being dropped off to reassure the finders and I’m making sure I include as many Kibworth streets as possible.
To date I have hidden 220 wooden hugs in our lovely village (including some Christmas tree themed ones in December!) I’ve felt so much joy when seeing the social media posts as people find them! I’m so pleased they are making people happy.
I’ve seen recently that other villagers have also adopted the “Kibworth hug” idea and are leaving hug hearts for people, it’s so lovely that the idea is being taken on board and can hopefully reach more people!
I shall continue to spread the love of the “Kibworth Hug Token” so if anyone sees someone placing a token on a bench, on a grassy verge or pavement then please keep the magic going.
Lots of Kibworth hugs to you all,
Thank you Anonymous for your lovely heart-warming idea. We are all looking forward to the day when we can give and receive real hugs. Editorial Team.