Letter Regarding the Proposed Cibbaeus Primary Free School, Kibworth, Leicestershire
from Paul Stone, Trust Leader,
Discovery Schools.

Discovery Trust is delighted to announce that an application to establish a new primary Free School the Kibworth locality has moved to an ‘in principle’ stage with the Department for Education new school programme.
This means that the Government has agreed that there is a strong case for a new primary school in the area and whilst the final decision and approval is yet to be agreed, this is an important step to adding the much needed primary school places for local children living in the Kibworths and surrounding area.
Our application for a new primary school in the south Leicestershire area is fully supported by Leicestershire County Council.

It is proposed the primary school will be named “Cibbaeus” derived from “Cybba”, thought to be a legendary ancient Celtic King, after whom ‘Kibworth’ is named and featured in the 2010 BBC documentary, “The Story of England”.
From its initial inception, it is our founding belief that the new school should be rooted in the community and be reflective of the Kibworths’ unique history and character. If the new school is approved, we will work with all stakeholders in the community and listen to their views to ensure we create a high-quality community school that the locality deserves. If approved, we believe the school will be opened September 2023.
We will hold regular meetings and engagement events to discuss and help shape this communities’ new school. Further information and updates will be posted on our Discovery website and our social media platforms as soon as available.
If you have any further questions, suggestions or would like to discuss this with me, please contact me directly on the email address below.