Love is … all around
22nd February 2021 | Editorial
Su Coward Heart 3 Su Coward Heart 4 Su Coward Heart 1 Su Coward Heart 2
As you will be aware many businesses, clubs and societies are not currently functioning properly or at all and certainly not in person, however despite this, the reports we have received from our correspondents are still very upbeat. Thank you.
We also know that some of you may already have had your first vaccination and are now looking forward to your second one in the hope that at some point a ‘near normality’ will return and you can participate in a real ‘Kibworth hug’ with your family and friends.
In the meantime you may have entered into the positive spirit of our lovely community by drawing a wave and displaying it in it in your window or even creating a heart to show for this is the month of LOVE.
The recent snow brought lots of laughter and joy especially for some youngsters and the not so young. Things are certainly looking up. The days are getting longer. Spring is just around the corner. So remember stay safe, keep well and as Bud Stevens used to say ‘Keep smiling’. Come on, Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive! And ENJOY!