‘Jericho’ in Smeeton Westerby.
25th March 2021 | Community

Was it the weather? The sudden thaw? Was it a vehicular accident?
The wall on the left has now been covered over with notices highlighting the footpath width.
The following message is on a notice adhered to the covering of the wall:-
“If you are consider the pavement [here] to be dangerous due to
- Being unlevel
- Having no kerb
- Sloping into the road
And if you feel unsafe or have been hit by passing traffic due to the narrow width of the pavement, lock of a kerb or have seen traffic on the pavement to contact the council and relevant councillors
- HighwaysAdminstrationandEnforcement@leics.gov.uk
- kevin.Feltham@leics.gov.uk
- P.King@harborough.gov.uk
The speed limit this road is 30 mph so if you believe it should be less then please also make your views known to the council.
The weight limit on this road is 7.5t so if you see lorries above this weight then please report to the Police.”