Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council Report

The latest virtual meeting using Zoom was held on Thursday 4 March. We welcomed DCllr Whelband and a resident who is considering co-option.
The Chairman reported that the groundsperson had cleaned the village sign alongside the A6 roundabout, and it was looking like new. He is continuing to work with the Kibworth Beauchamp Clerk and the Deputy Clerk on the number and location of all litter and dog bins in the two villages so that parish asset registers can be updated.
County councillors are continuing to receive weekly updates on the Covid situation across the county. North West Leicestershire is currently reporting the highest rates in the country; it is believed that some of the high case numbers may be related to workers in large warehouses being bussed in without adequate personal protection.
DCllr Whelband explained that he had been meeting with the police and safety partnership team to improve the communication links following the incident in early February on the tin bridge. He also said the Welland Rivers Trust are planning a project to improve some of the headwater streams so might involve local parish councils.
Planning applications
Planning – 21/00270/FUL – Demolition of existing single storey extensions and erection of part single, part 1.5 storey side extension and erection of detached garage with home office above. 21 Carlton Road, Kibworth Harcourt. Councillors discussed the plans and decided to make no comment.
Much of the rest of the meeting was discussing and approving various resolutions to complete the restructuring of the two Kibworth parish councils now that the two joint committees (Recreation and Burial) will no longer have separate bank accounts, insurance, and assets. This also included approval for part funding of the consultation on community facilities for both parishes by Nortoft.
All financial reconciliations and payments were approved.
The clerk reported on continuing efforts to have the defibrillator, on the side of Boboli’s on Main Street, maintained; she reported that it may require a new cabinet.
Please visit our website for more information about us
If you would like to get involved and let us know of any community news, or up and coming events, then please contact the Clerk.
Sara Barrett (