Letter from the chairman of governors Kate Foster.

The Kibworth School joining The Mead Educational Trust: An Update.
Dear students, parents and carers, colleagues and members of the wider school community. I hope you’re keeping well. I hope you’re keeping well. We wanted to update you, and all our stakeholders, on the progress we are making towards joining The Mead Educational Trust.
Thank you for the feedback.
Firstly, thank you so much to all students, parents, staff and members of the wider community who joined meetings, asked questions and fed back your thoughts in response to our initial letter last term. We have retained the dedicated email address for feedback so if you have any further questions at any stage, please do email them to joiningTMET@thekibworthschool.org.
In December we received the good news that the Regional Schools Commissioner’s Head teacher Board approved TKS joining TMET, giving us the official Department for Education go ahead.
Progress towards a starting date.
Since then, the TMET team have led on progressing the necessary legal and administrative processes and we are working towards a joining date of 1 April 2021.
Discussions are scheduled with the trade unions and staff re the TUPE process – the transfer of staff contracts of employment from TKS to TMET.
A new name…
The key thing to tell you about at this stage is that the school name will be changing with effect from 1 April 2021 (or when we officially join TMET if later). All other schools within TMET have ‘Mead’ (meaning ‘meadows’) in their name and the TMET Board of Trustees feel very strongly that all schools should follow this format to support the sense of team, belonging and integration in the Trust. Mrs. Merry and the Governing Body support that view and we have therefore agreed to the name change slightly sooner than anticipated so that all the legal transfers can be prepared in the new name. The new school name from 1 April 2021 will be Kibworth Mead Academy.
Although the school name will change, please be assured that very little else will at this stage:
but we will retain ……
- We will retain the phoenix logo and the Talent Knowledge Success strapline for continuity, as our ambitions for our students remain unchanged. We will, however, update the logo image to work alongside the new school name.
- School uniform will stay the same. We will phase in the new name where it appears on items like blazers and PE tops, but there will be no need to buy new ones until they’re needed.
- School signage will be updated to include the new name (and the TMET logo where applicable), at no cost to school.
We will, of course, keep you updated as things progress. Any queries, please email joiningTMET@thekibworthschool.org. Thank you as ever for your ongoing support.
Kate Foster, Chair of Governors
On behalf of the Governing Body, The Kibworth School