3rd Kibworth Rainbows

For the last few terms, our Rainbow group has been meeting on Zoom. Fingers crossed, after two more weeks on Zoom we will be finally meeting Face to Face. Rainbows are all about having fun and trying out new things. We play games, do activities, challenges and earn lots of badges. Rainbows is a great place to make lots of new friends and to build your confidence with girls the same age (5-7).
If you know of a young girl who would like to join us, or you wish to find out more then please contact Kelly and Sara. By email rainbows3rdkibworth@hotmail.com or by texting Sara on 07850 443518 or Kelly on 07720 321866.
Our Rainbows is held every Tuesday through term time, 4.30-5.30 at the Kibworth Grammar School Hall, School Road, Kibworth For further information or to register interests online go to www.girlguiding.org.uk