Kibworth Grammar School Hall
The 17 May saw the return of classes to the Hall. After so long it is good to see activity again, even if only on a small scale. Next moth we will see the return of larger gatherings. It has been strange not to see our regular users for a year but hopefully the lockdown and vaccinations will help us return to normality (and better weather.) We are looking forward to a busier summer with the WI, U3A, theatre groups, children’s parties and wedding parties all making use of our village space.
The trustees and staff of the Grammar School were very saddened by the unexpected news of the death of Wayne Coleman. Wayne was the Hall premises officer for a few years and more recently he was a trustee and a valued friend and supporter of KGSH. Whenever called upon, Wayne was always there to support despite being in ill health with limited activities. The Hall Trustees, staff and the village will miss this kind and generous man.
Joan Fillingham
Chair of KGSH Trustees.