Kibworth Mead Academy and Smeeton Road Traffic

We’ve recently received a couple of anonymous letters at Kibworth Mead Academy regarding the parking on Smeeton Road. So, we thought it might be helpful to respond here and provide an update for everyone.
Parking & Cov-19
There have recently been a couple of instances of brief but severe congestion. This has been when the end of the school day has coincided with South Leicestershire Medical Group’s Covid-19 vaccination sessions. However, these are exceptional circumstances.
We have discussed with the Medical Centre how we might alleviate these issues in future. The School also liaises regularly with the police, who have patrolled the road recently at our request. They confirmed whilst the volume of parking and traffic is far from ideal, parking on Smeeton Road is not illegal. As such, their powers are very limited. Sadly, extending our car park, as has been suggested, is simply not an option with school budgets as they are!
A handful of our staff are currently parking on Smeeton Road. They are doing so whilst our second car park, the one near the sports hall/3G pitch, is used for additional break and lunchtime space for students. This is due to our Covid-19 safety arrangements to allow distancing and avoid mixing of year group bubbles. We appreciate this isn’t ideal but student safety comes first, is hopefully temporary, and parking on the road is legal.
Smeeton Road has always been used by many for public parking. Used when the old health centre was where the nursery now is, or when the tennis club is busy. It does get very heavily used at the end of each school day. This is when a minority of our parents pick up students who live in areas not served by our school buses. Especially, as our students come from over 20 different villages and suburbs. We also have students who are heading straight off to after-school activities or appointments. We do remind parents regularly to park considerately and the majority do.
Please be assured that we share our neighbour’s frustration with the situation. We very much support their and the Parish Council’s request to Harborough District Council to consider a highways solution. We’re very proud and grateful as a school to be part of the Kibworth community. We will always do all that we can to contribute to safety, inclusion and partnership working across the villages.
Kate Foster, Chair, Kibworth Mead Academy Council
Read about our new exciting phase as Kibworth Mead Academy at The Kibworth School Update