Roger Garratt seeks answers from Kibworth Mead Academy

I was sorry not to read in the April Chronicle answers to questions posed by the Parish Council at a meeting on 12 December 2020 specially convened to deal with matters raised by the, then, Kibworth School, and also to similar enquiries I had raised in the February and March 2021 Chronicles.
I have continued to search Parish Council minutes, pages of the Chronicle and the website of the, then, Kibworth School and now, Kibworth Mead Academy (KMA) for answers but without success. However, in my searching for answers I have noted:-
Answers regarding community decisions
1) according to the KMA website, a key responsibility of the Academy Council (Governors, in old money) is to “establish and maintain relationships with …. the wider community.”
2) according to the KMA website during a first day visit by the Trust COE “Our students were polite and keen to let her know how proud they are of their school and their local community.”
3) according to the Mead Educational Trust website “We exist to make a positive difference to the life chances of children and young people and to our wider community.
4) according to the Mead Educational Trust Prospectus there are seven important Cs, one of which is community.
Awaiting and seeking
Bearing in mind these four encouraging assurances of consideration for the wider community, the information I am seeking as an ordinary member of that wider, local community must therefore be readily available, but clearly, I must be continuing to delve in the wrong places – though I know not where now to look
Thus, to resolve these queries swiftly before the summer, when schools are out, there are fewer Parish Council meetings and the Chronicle takes a well-deserved break, I do hope that those in the academy responsible for dealing with queries will, via the Chronicle, which ensures wide coverage, demonstrate the “Kibworth standards” it is claimed are being encouraged among the pupils. Lead by example please and answer these outstanding queries – namely at 1st December 2020 specially convened extraordinary Parish Council:-
- Whether any other MATs were considered and why was TMET chosen?
- Why the procedure is being pushed through so quickly?
- How it will impact on the Kibworth Beauchamp High School Foundation Trust? What is being put in place for further education including sixth form?
- Whether the school holidays will remain in line with county dates?
- That the school retains its name of The Kibworth School?
And in my letter to the Chronicle, namely:-
- to identify practical benefits to pupils of the scheme compared to the last six centuries of splendid secondary educational achievement in this village.
Answers to the unanswered
I am certainly not seeking to change anything as that would be interfering on my part, and I’d be far too late anyway. I am simply seeking information, otherwise these matters, if left unanswered, will surely – and deservedly – reflect adversely on the present secondary educational provision in this village. They will remain for many in this community, a confused undistinguished part of Kibworth’s otherwise nationally outstanding record of secondary education likely dating continuously since 1359.
Roger Garratt
(Now, in hope, closing my contribution to this correspondence)
Pupil-8 years- KBGS,
Graduate Student teacher- KBGS,
Teacher –32 years- KHS