Services to resume at St Wilfrid’s Church, Kibworth

St Wilfrid’s plan to resume services in church from Sunday 9 May. Services will start at 10.30am and numbers will be limited, to maintain social distancing. Your details will be taken for Track & Trace and Covid-safe measures
will be in place. We will, of course, be guided by any changes to government restrictions, so please check our website for updates:
Interested in Audio Visual Technology?
Would you like to learn and be part of our team? We need help to support the Audio Visual team at St Wilfrid’s Church. This includes, when we resume services, Sunday morning services and band practice on a rota basis. Experience is not necessary as training can be given. This is ideal as a skill for the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Please contact St Wilfrid’s Church Office: or telephone 0116 279 6577.