What can we do about the climate crisis?

Sadly the pandemic has had a catastrophic effect for many people, including many readers of the Kibworth Chronicle; loss of jobs and loss of income, loss of family members and friends. It all seems hopeless. And yet, it is being seen by many as a wakeup call and a vital opportunity for us while there is still time, to change the way we live, for a safer as well as fairer society for all and to stop further pandemics.
Logically we know we can’t go on ‘growing the economy’; it is just not sustainable. We have already depleted the earth’s resources so much, creating and releasing massive amounts of carbon and other greenhouse gases, warming the earth and oceans to unsafe levels. In turn this has damaged weather patterns causing floods and droughts, and wiping out many species in the natural world.
We know governments and businesses need to change and there are signs of hope. Prince Charles has produced a recovery plan for big businesses to invest in. This could include plans for ‘re-forestation, reduction of fossil fuel emissions, restore biodiversity and boost economic growth and job creation’ , his Terra Carta or Earth Charter.
See also: The Sustainable Harborough Community can help with the climate crisis.
But what can we do? First, realise that our lifestyles are contributing to the climate emergency but not to panic. Find our starting point by working out our current carbon footprint using a simple website like www.footprint.wwf.org.uk. That will also suggest ways we can change some of our actions.
The Sustainable Harborough Community website has a number of actions we can take to help us on our journeys of becoming more sustainable. 12 months of action. This month we’re invited to join a zero carbon transport group to see what help we can give Harborough District Council and Leicestershire County Council who have the power to make changes happen. We could walk the rainbow – a suggestion for families and friends – and also asking ourselves if we are ‘Wishcycling’ or Recycling!
Shopping locally has a big impact for the local economy. There are nearly 60 businesses and organisations to choose from in the Green Directory.
There is so much information on the internet so where to start? Remember the library can help you connect when it opens if you don’t have access. Members of Sustainable Harborough Community (membership is free) can receive a weekly update of current initiatives and information to help you navigate your way.
Yes, there is hope and there is a lot we can do and a huge thank you to the many people who are already taking actions to reduce their carbon footprints as well as make their gardens, places for nature to flourish.
Julie Fagan – Sustainable Harborough Community.