50 Years of Macmillan Cancer support.

It is the Market Harborough Group’s 50th Anniversary this year 2021. We were looking forward to a special event. As this is highly unlikely, we thought that supporters may be more comfortable with smaller gatherings.
50 Theme
So keeping the 50 theme we wondered if supporters would help by raising money in novel ways.
£50+ by having a Coffee Morning or Tea Party for a small number of friends/neighbours, and asking for donations. Perhaps have an in-house raffle, a small cake stall or just enjoy a chat over a coffee or tea. This is something that can be done anytime over the next few months. Do follow Government Guidelines however.
Think big or small!
There could be other things family/friends. You might like to do with a 50 Theme which doesn’t involve large gatherings of people. Do a sponsored 50 Laps of a garden/field, a 50km Cycle ride or try and fill a jar with 50 pence pieces asking friends to donate these.
If you would like to join in with this challenge of raising £50+ please contact Eunice Loney (Chairman) on 01858 545603 or email euniceel@hotmail.com
Help us raise much-needed funds so we can continue to support patients and their families living with cancer.
Donations can be made directly to The Market Harborough Group at:
Eunice Loney