Last Minute Theatre

Hello everyone.
By the time you read this, we shall all know whether we have been released from lock-down. Or alternatively, we have to swallow hard, smile, and get on with it for a few more weeks!
Nevertheless, as we are always ‘glass half full’ at Last Minute Theatre, let me start by giving you a date for your diaries – SATURDAY 18 SEPTEMBER when we shall be ‘dipping our toes’ in the water with a ‘Quizaret’ (you know the format, cabaret item followed by a related quiz section).
To make conditions as safe as possible, this one time there will be no bar. So, you are invited to bring your own food and drink. Tables, as always will be set cabaret style to seat teams of 6.
As there are no further issues of the Kibworth Chronicle until September, information for entertainment during the summer months can be sought from posters, Last Minute Theatre’s Facebook page or by telephoning me on 07710 112346 or (0116) 270 9648.
We are all very aware that the plug may have to be pulled at the last minute but we are forever optimistic!
Our seasonal Pantomime will be Jack and the Beanstalk and is set to be performed on Saturday 22 January, Sunday 23, Friday 28 and Saturday 29, 2022. The script, which we used in 2006 (where did those 16 years go?!) is currently being tweaked, updated and partially rewritten. It seems that we shall be having to use Lullabelle’s calf this time (Buttercup) though be assured that she has inherited her mother’s skills and is an equally accomplished tap dancer!
Looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
With all good wishes,
Mary Orton