Help us to plan GP services by sharing your experiences

Health leaders and health professionals working in GP practices in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) are asking local residents to share their views and experiences of services provided at local GP practices and health centres by taking part in a short online survey.
Dr Nil Sanganee, Leicestershire GP, said: “Over the last year, the impact of Covid-19 has meant that we have had to rapidly change our approach to delivering general practice services whilst keeping our patients and staff safe. That said we have remained open throughout the pandemic and have conducted over six million appointments over the course of the year but we are keen to hear from patients as lockdown restrictions continue to be eased and as we start to plan for the short and long term.
By completing the survey you can help us to better understand if some of the changes we made in light of the pandemi c such as online consultations and telephone assessments worked well for your needs. We want to also hear from patients about any other suggestions that they have so we can consider how we improve the patient experience as demand on our services continue to grow.”
To complete the survey go to:, the survey will be open until Monday 12 July and all responses are anonymous. For further information or support in completing the survey email:
The survey has been designed to help local health providers to understand what has been working well, and equally areas that could be improved upon particularly during the pandemic. It’s vital that we hear from patients, carers and service users to help inform the planning process as we emerge from lockdown restrictions.
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