Kibworth Harcourt Parish Council – June 2021 report

The parish council returned to a normal face to face meeting, albeit with social distancing. The meeting was held in the Studio at Kibworth Grammar School Hall, at 7pm on 3 June.
Anti-social Behaviour Group Meeting
The chairman informed the council that he was attending a Kibworth Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) group meeting on 10 June, to be chaired by DCllr Whelband . Invitees to include Andrew Munro, the chairman of KBPC, DCllr Phil King, leader of HDC, representatives from the police and HDC Community Safety Partnership, and Emma Merry, principal of Kibworth Mead Academy.
Open Space Strategy
The recent Joint Recreation Board meeting discussed the latest designs in the Open Space Strategy. The design for Jubilee Green included a curved wall with gates instead of the current wooden fencing at the entrance. Many of the proposed design features would take time and financing to achieve. However the proposals for Larkswood and Rookery Close open spaces would greatly improve use by the public. Once all are formally agreed, there will be an opportunity for public comment.
The chairman has lowered the St George’s flag at Jubilee Green as it had been flying for over a month. Although the clerk had washed the Union flag twice there were still green stains so she would try a more vigorous detergent. If this failed to remove the stains, then it will be necessary for council to buy a replacement.
Kibworth Grammar School Hall Trust AGM
Cllr Pitcher reported on the Kibworth Grammar School Hall Trust AGM on 26 May at which the current chair of Trustees, Mrs Joan Fillingham, retired and was presented with flowers and thank you cards. A new chair would be elected at the next meeting in June.
The council discussed a planning application for a two-storey extension to 12 Carlton Road (21/00772/FUL) with an additional bedroom. Then council decided not to object as there was sufficient off-road parking in line with the Kibworths’ Neighbourhood Plan parking policy.
The chairman also informed the council that LCC Highways had objected to the use of the eastern gate access adjacent to Jubilee Green in the Manor Farmhouse planning application, because of extremely limited sight lines.
Grass Cutting
The council discussed the new quotation from Spendlove Contracting, the grass cutting contractor, to include the verges on Kibworth Meadows. HDC have not been including this in their open space maintenance of the estate that they took over from David Wilson Homes. Council approved the additional £180 per cut so this could be included at their next scheduled visit.
The Lychgate Electricity Supply
After the chairman explained that since the Lychgate now has an electricity supply, it could be used as a base for the grounds lady to charge the electric tool. She was using for the various jobs around both parishes so the council approved it for this use. The additional electricity costs would be included in the shared costs for maintaining the cemetery, and the grounds lady would maintain the inside of the Lychgate. All financial statements, reconciliations and summaries were approved. The chairman signed the Statement of Accounts to be included with the documentation now being internally audited.
The next meeting on Thursday 1 July will be the annual parish walkabout starting in Jubilee Green at 7pm.
Councillor Needed
The parish council currently has a vacancy for a councillor to be co-opted. If anybody is interested in being considered, please contact the Clerk to find out more.
Please visit our website for more information about us
If you would like to get involved, or want to let us know of any community news, or up and coming events, then please contact the Clerk.
Sara Barrett (