Smeeton Westerby News, Summertime
‘Brass on the Grass’ / ‘Bring & Buy’ Sale
What a great summer we have had here in Smeeton! It started off with ‘Brass on the Grass’, our annual band concert on the allotments. The Oddfellows Brass Band came in force again to entertain us with renditions of music and songs old and new. What a talented band they are! Even the clouds parted and the sun decided to come out to listen. Although this is a free event, the donations raised were for GEMS and came to £650.
Additionally, £138 was made on the ‘Bring and Buy’ sale. So not only was it a wonderful evening but thanks to the generosity of the crowd, very profitable too.

Barn Dance
A few weeks later came our village Barn Dance, a great, enjoyable social event. And a very welcome fundraiser towards the internal redecoration of Christ Church. Set in a marquee in the beautiful grounds of ‘Highfields’, the residence of Janet and Gordon Arthur. ‘Bodger’s Mate’ were there to play for us and call the dances.

A locally sourced pig for hog roast, perfectly cooked by Liz and Bill Vickers. And an amazing number of cakes made by the kind people of Smeeton. Everyone was very well fed!.
Langton Brewery beers tap and jugs of Pimms to make the evening go with a swing, and it certainly did! Everyone who came, I know, will join me in thanking Janet and Gordon. To be able to enjoy such a beautiful venue. As a wonderful bonus £1,453 was raised for our church.
Upcoming Events
But life in Smeeton doesn’t stop there. Our next event is a Macmillan Coffee Morning on:
Saturday 25 September, 10.30am – 12.30pm.
As well as the usual amazing tea, coffee and cakes, there will also be some stalls to tempt you.
If anyone would like to rent a table, or has any new items that we can use for our raffle or tombola. Please contact me on tel:07950409610 or tel:01162792810.
And there’s more!
Our village Harvest Supper on Friday, 1 October, 7.00 for 7.30pm.
A time when we can be really thankful for what we have, and grateful for how lucky we are. Anyone wishing to join us for this fun night will be served a delicious supper & enjoy exquisite puddings. As well as being entertained by the lovely singing duo Byron and Sonja Greenhow. Tickets are £10 each and any profit will go to our local church’s Harvest charities.
Please contact Philippa Britten for more details and to reserve a place on tel:01162793841.
To round off Harvest Week, our family Harvest Service in Christ Church will be on Sunday 3 October at 10.00am.
It would be lovely to welcome as many people as possible to this service.
If you would like to bring store cupboard gifts that would be an extra bonus.
Janet Lord