The term at Kibworth CE Primary School

It has been a brilliant return to Kibworth CE Primary school. Staff have worked really hard to put in place new measures to help us return to an environment where we are able to put learning first again.
I have loved hearing about all the adventures the children had in the holidays and have been particularly impressed with the children who have moved into new class groups this term. I know some of them were nervous but they have certainly relished the opportunity and settled in really quickly.
It has been so exciting to welcome our new Foundation Stage children. There were lots of faces I recognised as siblings of those already at school. We hope all the children and their parents and carers will quickly become part of our lovely school community.
Over the summer we have had lots of work done in the school. We would like to thank our contractors who worked hard to get the school ready for the new term. We now have a new window wall in the Foundation Stage corridor, the Peace Garden has been totally revamped, we have wider access steps to the Key Stage Two playground and a new access slope onto the top playing field.
The staff team responded amazingly to the damage caused by the hail storm in July. We had two days of working together to clear up in the flooded classrooms, library, hall and staff room. Fortunately, we managed to get the roof repaired, new carpets laid, new lighting and ceiling repairs completed before the children came back to school. Mrs Shuker still has a huge job to do sorting out all the books in the library but hopefully this will be much easier when the new bookshelves arrive.
Mrs Paterson – Headteacher, Kibworth CE Primary School
‘I am a Warrior!’ topic
This term, Year 4 have already made an exciting start to their history topic – ‘I am Warrior.’
First, they have learnt some key information about the Celts and had great fun out on the field designing and making Celtic round houses. Chloe has given her account:
My round house
I really enjoyed making my round house because it made me realise what the Celts had to do. It made me think that they were very talented builders because I found it hard making a mini one. It was interesting to find out how they built round houses using different things. They used trees for posts, hazel sticks for the wattle, reeds, or straw for the roof. I liked mixing the daub for our round house. We used mud, water, and grass but the Celts would have used pig’s blood, straw, grass, mud, water and animal manure to make their daub to build their houses – that’s a bit disgusting!
I really liked working in a group because the Celts would have also used a team to build the round houses. My favourite part was doing the weaving because I had to weave our bendy willow sticks around the posts. It was a bit tricky.
During Roman day, I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s costumes and to find out more about the Romans and how they did things! I am excited to do lots of fun activities.
Chloe, Y4