Welcome Back Tai Chi!

Barbara Smolicz, who has been teaching Tai Chi in south Leicestershire villages (Market
Harborough, Great Oxenden, Great Bowden, Fleckney and Zoom-land) for the last 3 years is back in person with a variety of indoor and outdoor classes and lessons to suit any age and any body with any fitness level (wheelchair users and seated Tai Chi included.) The benefits of Tai Chi for wellbeing are well known, and this is your opportunity (young people and adults alike) to enjoy the experience for yourself.
Studies have shown that practising Tai Chi improves balance, aids good posture and helps build immunity to diseases. It seems like a relaxing slow ‘dance’ but is actually quite a workout for muscles you didn’t’ know existed! So, come along and give it a go. After all, what’s the worst that could happen? (Academic references are available at the
Tai Chi for Health Institute).
Classes cost £7 each and concessions are available for children and those experiencing
financial hardship, so please contact Barbara directly by email or on 07729 961144.
As you can see, even one of Barbara’s dogs joined in a class.
Dr Miriam A Wohl